Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I just can't live without a little sugar everyday!

Colorful Dreams!
It's been such a fun week. Lots of good stuff going on!
I got to spend time with my sister and niece (Christine & Lenzi) yummy macayos and loads of creative mashing! I love to do that. They are both so stinkin' creative I feel a little guilty that I get so much from them and return so little!
Sweet, Sweet, Sweet Bum Cheeks!!

We had a super fun activity in mutual. The girls did mini photo shoots with value colored balloons. They did such a good job and were so much fun!
Each one of them is so beautiful!!
I love them!
I did get one of the "not so fun" kick in the pants from several people. Evidently I must suppress my own excitement and desire to share.
Not everyone is comfortable with FaceBook.
Whoops! Sorry. really.

Love is in the air!

I had a marvelous time with Jake today. He is creating. He's actually very good at it. Someone is going to have a special Christmas! I'd post pictures but that would spoil the surprise!

It was a beautiful day outside today. Mid 70's with a very gentle breeze.
A great day for tennis!! We even won!
Yay me! (and my awesome partner, Shawna)

It's great to have a week where there is so much joy in everyday. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

What?!? Now how did all these sweet photos get on here? wink! wink!
I just can't help myself!


Angela and Mike

she is soooooo cute. How is life as a grandma? :)


Gee, are you happy to finally be a grandma? What a sweet, darling little one.


Janae, please post Haley's photos. I would love to see them! And she really wouldn't care if they are on Facebook. :)

Also, you have a beautiful grandbaby!

Jen Castagno

janae, I just LOVE reading your blog! and this little granddaughter is so beautiful!