One of my favorite projects in the last while has been quilts made especially FOR someone specific.
From the choosing of the fabrics and patterns to the cutting, stitching, & ripping of the quilt.
Every step of the way I think about the specific person for which it is being made. I think of the role they have played in my life. The role I hope I have played in theirs. How much I love them and am so incredibly blessed to have them in my life!
These two quilts were made last year.
It was a trying year with loads of life's trials, joys and experiences. I have always been blessed with wonderful women as friends.
These two have grown to be like sisters to me.
I love them.
They love me.
(thats my favorite part)
This quilt was for Kelli.
She's funky and funny.
She's an amazing mother and wife.
She is our wise one.
Or as our friends from Croatia say,
"She's the beautiful one"

The second one was for Holly.
She's spunky, smart and a goofball.
She's a constant good example to me.
Her dedication to her children is inspiring.
She's also an energizor bunny.
I doubt this quilt will ever get napped under.
It will be used for some sort of adventure.
My two friends have comforted me when I was down,
laughed with me when I couldn't find my smile,
and cried with me when I just needed to cry.
I could go on and on and on.......
but I know them both and they are cringing already at all the attention. :)
They are silly and fun.
They wrap my life in comfort and warmth.
you three are so lucky to have eachother!! love you!
what a sweet tribute! thanks for showing off the quilts. you are amazing!!! i didn't realize you were so skilled!
You are so talented!
I am obsessed with your quilts. Some day I want to be as cool as you and make quilts like that.. but that will have to wait for a few years
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