Saturday, April 9, 2011

April Foolishness #8

I was thinking about how I could motivate myself to get after my clutter.
It's not at hoarding stages yet.
But if I keep ignoring it........
I decided to spend 30 minutes a day focused on one room.
It really works.
In theory.
I'll start tomorrow.

I got distracted from de-cluttering when I went into my Sewing Room Closet.
I have way too many unfinished projects.
So I grabbed one of them and decided I would finish it.
Hence...the cancelled declutter session.

It's really ugly fabric.
I think that's one of the reasons it remains unfinished.
I signed up for one of those "Block a Month" quilts
Obviously that idea didn't work either. hehe.
But I was determined to finish it today.
I spent a long time cutting the ugly fabric into small squares and quarter triangles.
I had to measure to the exact instructions.
3 5/8 inch. 1/2 inch seam.
You have to follow the pattern very closely.
In the end. If you did it correctly.
You have a (almost perfect) 12 1/2 in block.

What is amazing to me is that this really ugly fabric
is turning into some really beautiful.
I think there is a lesson in here.
(these aren't the ugly fabric blocks)
(I'm too lazy to go in and take pictures of them)
(The clutter would stress me out)

Our little tiny Mia Maid class went down to Bonanza tonight to watch
Haley in a play.
What a nice theatre Bonanza has.
It was ironic to me that we sat in this very state-of-the-art theatre
and listened to the director tell us about all the crazy budget cuts the school
district is doing.
All the foreign languages. Cut.
Art Classes. Cut. Choir. Cut. Band. Cut.
It was sort of sad.

But the play was VERY cute.
We didn't actually get to see Haley because the orchestra
doesn't actually play in the theatre.
They are in the orchestra room and watching the play on a live
video stream.
I told you it was state-of-the-art.
But.....She was the only flutest, flautest, flutess.......
person that plays the flute in the orchestra.
So we could hear her very clearly .
She is awesome.

A couple weeks ago we spent a few days at the beach house.
(I'll post about it soon)
It was so fun to have everyone there.
After everyone left I stayed for a few days by myself.

Is this the greatest creative setup in history?
In my history.
This is another one of those
"Block of the Month" quilts.
I did actually finish last time I was there.

It's so cool to see things go from small scraps of nothing to something.