Monday, July 13, 2009

The Babies have Hatched!

I've been like a momma bird watching her nest the last few days:) I knew it had to be close.
MommyBird has been a little extra antsy and hanging around more. I'm sure it couldn't possibly be because this human mommy (me) keeps hanging around her nest!

I kept checking out the window today for a moment when MommyBird was gone and made my move.
These photos aren't National Geographic perfect but they capture more than I have ever witnessed in person.
I literally gasped when I realized the eggs had started hatching. That there was a baby bird where a little egg had been laying all these weeks.
I marveled at their newness.
Their tinyness.
Their sweet little beaks and their newborn beauty.
The 2nd one is not even all the way out of it's egg here.
Like all newborns, the little baby is already looking for MommyBird for some food.
If only......I know I know.......I can't feed the baby hummingbird. But.
I would if I could.
You can sort of see the 2nd one trying to finish breaking out of it's egg lower in the nest in this photo.
I wish you could zoom in and see this photo up close. The actual photo is a much better view than my little blog can show you!
MommyBird is back and she is guarding the nest like a hawk.
I respect that.
I'll let the little family get to know each other better.
Snuggle a little :)
Congratulations MommyBird!
Job well done!

Seriously though. I thanked Heavenly Father for the chance to witness this little miracle. To see them literally as they broke free from their eggs and came into this world.

Can you all imagine the sap I am going to be when I have a grandbaby?

I'm such a lucky chick!



Any grandbaby would be happy to have you for their grammy!! All grandmoms should have such an appreciation for their g-babies as you do and you don't even have one yet. Don't tell my mom I said that!!

Grama Linda

I love all the pictures. It is so cool that you got to witness it! I almost got a little teary...and yes, when the time is here, you are going to be the most adorable, cutest grammie ever.

Keith A. Runyon

As I've said before....Imagine how cool it would be if we had a bald eagle nest?!?!

Unless we have a grandbaby first....

Megan and Doug Albright

Janae what amazing photos, what lens were you using?? How fun to be able to see such a miracle and marvel at the wonders of life. thanks for sharing, and by the way, I vote for the grandbabies over the bald eagles!!

Alec and Tiffany
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Alec and Tiffany

I can't wait for you to be a grandma! You'll be the best grandma ever! What was your name again? Grandma Nae Nae?



i LOVE all of your pictures!! i'm so surprised that momma bird let you get so close.... lucky!

email and phone numbers

was that an announcement?

Rowe Family

Ok Janae, maybe we should getting matching T-shirts that say: "Future Grandma???" maybe they'll get the hint (lol). I'm just kidding. Don't we have great kids. Love the pics! How cool to see that mommy in action.